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This is why I love books? For 8 reasons and 6 benefits.

Why you do love reading? 

This is why I love books? For 8 reasons and 6 benefits.

We do some researches and questionnaires and then we find people tend to have the same reasons. Here are eight of the most common reasons why.

1. Gaining knowledge

Reading books are learning, gaining knowledge, and discovering information that they do not know before or they are very curious about.

2. Escaping reality

Escaping reality and enjoying the absolute new feeling which they got from their imaginations.

3. Entertainment

Love the entertainment from reading.

4. Quiet and relax

Enjoy the quiet and relaxing when reading, and at that moment people always have the feeling that they could communicate with themselves deeply.

5. Interests

Enjoy the feeling when they read the books which interested them most.

6. Spirit

Enjoy the spiritual enrichment and enjoy expanding and updating their Worldview.

7. Challenge

Being mentally challenged by books

8. Smell and feel

Keen on the smell and feel when they touch books.

Reading books is an absolutely proud lifestyle.

Cause now in society, most people are lost themselves and involved themselves in digital products, such as smartphones. Now let us do a test together. Put down your smartphone and close your eyes, and then call your memory to search how long we do not read books in the past time.

This is why I love books? For 8 reasons and 6 benefits.
This is why I love books? For 8 reasons and 6 benefits.

The hobby of loving reading books is a part of life for many people. In their viewpoint, there are too many benefits from reading books. We make the summary as follows from the most voted benefits from our followers also friends.

  • Reading makes you grow, and reading is also a great exercise for perseverance where you could challenge yourself to gain more than you did with the books you read before.
  • it also gives you more chance to experience multiple realities and life from different people, different country and different cultures.
  • Reading gives you the chance to understand different perspectives. You could encounter diverse angles on a different life. It must be a great feeling of refreshment.
  • Reading books related to many of the memories shared. is not only discover the new but also help you recall the memory and the details of your own life. Which helps us to know all who, where, and what questions.
  • It also helps people to forget, that is to say, it will offer you safe, healthy and positive thinking. And it helps you have a good rest and regain more power to overcome the obstacles in your life.
  • Reading also has the magic that it will give you an emotional connection with the related characters, in some books, you will always find some people who are just like you and who have the same experience and surroundings. You will feel that you’re not alone even though when you’re alone.

So what are the main reasons why you love reading and what are the benefits of reading? Very welcome you share your perspectives.

This is why I love books? For 8 reasons and 6 benefits.
This is why I love books? For 8 reasons and 6 benefits.

At the last, let me together think about one interesting question that If your close friends want you to share a list of books, and then what books you will list. And why do you recommend these?

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