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The ultimate guide to sustained Self-improvement

The ultimate guide to sustained Self-improvement

Life is like sailing against the current. If you do not advance, you will retreat. We can only guarantee that we will not stay where we are if we keep running. So how can we stay out of date? I think it must be self-improvement or personal development.

However, what is self-improvement and why is it so important? How can we effectively achieve self-improvement? In this article, I will share all the important points regarding self-improvement.

What is Self-Improvement?

Regarding self-improvement, Google’s definition is the improvement of three levels of knowledge, status, and personal characteristics. To change it to a more down-to-earth expression is that individuals can learn and improve through their own efforts, meet a better self, and have a better life. Self-improvement is like lifelong learning.

Why is self-improvement important?

In the Internet era of the 21st century, we all have a common deep feeling, that is, the pace of the times is fast and changes with each passing day. The constantly updated technology, the ever-increasing cost of living, and the constantly updated changes.

There is no doubt that everyone wants to live a better life, and also hope to realize their dreams. But how can we achieve our ideals and goals? Obviously, only by making ourselves better and stronger can we have more possibilities to realize them. In other words, it requires continuous self-improvement. This is why self-improvement is so important.

What are self-improvement benefits?

  1. Good habits that benefit a lifetime
    Excellence is a habit. For example, if you insist on studying regularly and do a little every day, you can also converge into a big river.
  2. A clearer life direction
    The colorful world is full of temptations. Most people get lost or lazy in the path of persistence. But the way of self-improvement will make us clearer and clearer about our goals in life. Because the better you are, you will meet more and better people, and everyone will have more positive influences on each other.
  3. Higher and more comprehensive cognition
    People often say that you can’t make money beyond what you know. Only by continuous learning, enriching knowledge and improving cognition, will life have more possibilities.
  4. More options
    Abundant knowledge and good character give us more choices in life, rather than having no choice when we are barren.
  5. Build a better character
    Continuous improvement and renewal, let us fade away the weaknesses in the character, strengthen the good quality, and naturally get a better character.
  6. Harvest a better life
    Once we insist on changing and improving, harvesting a better life is just the result of letting the flow go.

How to setting self-improvement goals?

Regarding the setting of self-improvement goals, everyone must have their own understanding and methods. From the definition in the first paragraph, we can also clearly see that it mainly revolves around the following three points: knowledge, status and character.

So obviously, we need to do a serious self-analysis first, face ourselves, to discover our own shining points, weaknesses, including personality, work ability, social communication and other aspects.

Then, according to your current plan, establish your current goals and goals for the next stage, including short-term goals and medium- and long-term goals. For example, I want to learn a new programming language in 3 months. This month I want to learn a few books on skill improvement and output articles and learning results. Or I want to keep running for 6 kilometers every day. Even if it is a smile or simple push-ups every day.

According to our own list of goals, go backwards one by one, see what we need to reinforce before achieving our goals, dismantle our goals, subdivide them as much as possible, and make them measurable and trackable. At the same time, write clearly the completion indicators and completion time of each goal. Regularly review and review which links are well done at each stage and which links are not well done, and constantly adjust and optimize.

How to achieve the self-improvement goals?

With a clear list of goals, the next step is to start with the end and resolutely implement it. According to our dismantling and subdividing every point and every detail, we will implement them one by one, just like filling in the blanks, and implement them step by step, without missing every link and vacancy.

Solve problems that you don’t know, face every difficulty, have clear goals in your mind, and continue to achieve small goals. The important thing is to encourage yourself every time you have small achievements and breakthroughs, because psychological hints are also in the process of self-improvement. It seems very important. A small sense of accomplishment is the source of motivation for perseverance.

To sum up, it is to insist on learning every day, review the results, and approach the goal. Strive to make sure that you make progress and change every day, constantly improve your knowledge, your own state, and constantly optimize your personality by maximizing your strengths and avoiding weaknesses. I believe that if you work hard to adhere to these most basic principles, you will surely have outstanding results in return. On the road of self-improvement, we will become more and more confident. And finally reap a wonderful life

Best books For self-improvement

Best books For self-improvement

Mini Habits: Smaller Habits, Bigger Results By Stephen Guise

The power of micro-habits is immense, just like a dripping stone. The right persistence, given time, will definitely be rewarded.

The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr

Managing Energy, Not Time, Is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal. We often talk about time management. In fact, the more important thing in our lives is the management of energy. Energy management involves four levels of thinking, emotion, will, and physical strength. Learn the correct managerial management, there will be huge updates and changes.

Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise by Anders Ericsson 

We all know the 10,000-hour law, quantitative changes will cause qualitative changes. If you want to succeed or master a skill, deliberate practice is indispensable. It is not only diligence, but also deliberate practice with a methodical structure to achieve the goal.

A Woman Makes a Plan by Maye Musk

Advice for a Lifetime of Adventure, Beauty, and Success Hardcover. Maye Musk is Elon Musk’s superhero. Maye used her life experience to tell everyone that even though life is full of trials, she endured the painful life situation and persisted in learning, constantly expanding her boundaries, and finally reaped a wonderful life, ​and also set a good example and establish a positive attitude towards life for her three children.


Wanna a better life? I think this is all inseparable from self-improvement.

I believe that through the study of this article, you will have a clearer understanding of self-improvement. It is not only limited to what it is, but more importantly, we understand why it is important, how do we realize it, and what will we gain by realizing it?

When someone discusses with you about self-improvement, I believe you will have a lot to say, welcome to leave a message, and welcome to share with those around you who need it, so that we can become better together.

Of course, the most important thing is execution. I think today, we can act together immediately.

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