Home » The most comprehensive unique bookmarks guidance for book lovers

The most comprehensive unique bookmarks guidance for book lovers

The most comprehensive unique bookmarks guidance for book lovers

Regarding reading, there are too many styles to choose from today, such as audio books, e-books, and paper books. Although audio books and e-books are very convenient, there are still many people who still love the sense of reading paper books. For those who like to read paper books, they will definitely be able to show everyone their unique bookmarks, because this is an indispensable companion for reading paper books.

But what is a bookmark, is it necessary, and where to buy your unique bookmarks? Today’s article will take you to answer these questions one by one. So here we go!

What is a bookmarks for books?

In short, bookmarks are a tool for readers. It can help readers quickly and efficiently return to the place where they paused during the last reading.

With the development of the times, there are now all kinds of bookmarks. There are plastic cards with prints, metal decorations in various shapes, plastic cute animal shapes, and various styles to cater to the tastes of all kinds of reading enthusiasts.

Why use bookmarks, and Are they good for books?

When it comes to reading books, I think that people in the world can be divided into two categories, one is using bookmarks, and the other is using dog-ears.

For those who love to read, they must also be those who cherish books. Books are like our friends, and the dog-ear method seems to be able to achieve the purpose of bookmarking, but it also has many inconveniences. For example, it will damage the integrity of the book, and it will be impolite to share it with friends. In addition, if the book is lend to a friend or library, the dog-ear method is even more inappropriate. Think about it that would you be willing to borrow books that are dog-eared?

unique bookmarks vs dog-ears

But using bookmarks is different, every time you open to read, you can find the place where you stopped in the last reading. And the use of bookmarks can also keep each book intact for a longer time. Because for people who really love books, books seem to be alive, and the way a dog’s ears is like hurts again and again. And, what if you want to read it repeatedly? If you use the dog ear method, it will involve repeated folding and opening. I think this kind of feeling is also very bad. So this is the reason why bookmarks are used. So now you should know the need for bookmarks, so for the previous question—— Why use bookmarks, and Are they good for books? I think the answer is obvious, absolutely yes.

Take me as an example. Many times when I place an order and buy a lot of books, I am happy. But when is the happiest, that is the moment when I open the express delivery and hold the book I bought in my hand, happiness is born spontaneously, and I can’t help it. I am happy that these books have come to warm my spiritual world again. So I cherish books more and will definitely protect them, so I have been using bookmarks a long time ago. And there are many nice bookmarks.

Where to buy unique bookmarks?

Speaking of where to buy, based on my personal experience, I recommend a few websites. Of course, each site has its own characteristics, so you can choose according to your own preferences and needs.


When you read this, I believe you have a more comprehensive understanding of unique bookmarks. It is a practical tool for you to quickly locate the last time you paused reading. At the same time, it is more book-friendly than the dog-ear bookmark method, which can keep your favorite books longer.

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