Home » How many book categories or genres are in the world?

How many book categories or genres are in the world?

How many book categories or genres are in the world?

Booklovers always love books without any doubt. Just like the article, This is why I love books? For 8 reasons and 6 benefits.

But do you really know how many categories are in the world? Or maybe people name it by types or genres which is about a category of art, music, or literature. You love reading for a long time, however, do you tell the genres of your list of books and which is the favorite genre in your opinion?

So if the answers are not clear, the below content will help you to make the genres clear. And maybe you will discover your next favorite genre to read. Yeah, that will be cool and a surprise.

Ok, let us start the new journey about books.

Firstly, all books could be classified into two categories.

They are fiction and non-fiction. With these two categories, you will find more specific genres which we always call subgenres.

Fiction books always contain a story made by the author. Some Inspiration comes from real life. That’s why people always say that art comes from life. There are some 2021 best sellers of fiction books on amazon.com as examples:

How many book categories or genres are in the world?

Now it’s the nonfiction’s turn. Nonfiction books always have an obvious character that the content of books contains factual and real information, such as history books and science books. There are also some examples of bestsellers books 2021 nonfiction as follows:

How many book categories or genres are in the world?

And you will find more details and information about book genres on amazon.com. Here are some different genres available for reference and we just list the most popular genres today.

How many book categories or genres are in the world?

And you should know every genre and even subgenres have their own representative. Maybe you could find more via your favorite. And we will talk more in a later post.

Welcome to your comment about your favorite genre of books and we will appreciate the books you recommend for us.

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